

Coding quality programs since 2022

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Glitch Trilogy

Three fun platformers. Each with their own twist. Play them all on Khan Academy

The first game in the trilogy,
where you click to 'glitch'
between dimensions!

The second game in the trilogy,
where you click to rotate
all of the blocks!

The final game in the trilogy,
where you play as two players
on different maps with the same controls.


My Coding Story

How it Began

The story starts when I was eleven years old. At the time I was using Khan Academy for math, and had never even heard of coding before. Then one day, after I had finished my math for the day, I stumbled upon a course on Khan Academy called 'Computer Programming'. My curiosity made me click on the link, and I watched the first two videos of the 'Intro to JS: Drawing and Animation'. From there I powered through about half of the course, before I hit a roadblock on the for loop video. It was also around this time that I discovered a game that someone had made. At the time, I hadn't thought that making a game was even possible on Khan Academy. Looking back, the game was pretty simple, and definitely not the greatest. However, I owe a lot to that game's maker for motavating me. :) You can find the game here.

First Games

Once I realized that you could make games with PJS, I ditched the Khan Academy tutorials and started looking into community made ones. The first game I attempted to make was a dodge game using Gray Wolf🐺's tutorial. I somehow messed up in the process, but still learned from it. Then one night while eating dinner I had an idea for a game that would require very little coding skill, but still would be fun. The game was Conversation, where the only mechanic was buttons. Looking back, the buttons were actually done very poorly, and were really very bad. But still, I had created my first game! From this first step I would go on to create the 45 games I have today.

Popularity Boom

This was the golden era of my time of Khan Academy. I quickly made a subpage, and slowly but surely gained subscribers. I made my first real well-known game INFILTRATION. I learned more and more about coding, learning HTML, CSS and JS in addition to PJS. I then had the idea for a platformer with a twist, which would become the game GLITCH. That game quickly reached over a 100 votes and had been slowly climbing ever since. Its immmense popularity made me decide to turn the game into a series, creating two other games which also gained popularity. However, as I learned more and more, I started wanting to make good 3D games. I at first tried to do that with P3D, but it was too laggy. I then tried to do it with Three.js, but it had weird animation bugs. I kept producing games and my popularity kept growing, but underlying all of that was a desire to make good, cool 3D games.

Moving Forward

My quest for a good, easy way to do 3D brought me to Babylon.js. I had never heard of Babylon.js before then, but after a quick introductory course through Simply Coding, I knew enough to start coding in it. I made my first Babylon.js program during Provemeber, a simple game named The Maze. After that I made another basic simulation in Babylon.js, and I felt confident I could make a bigger game. I attempted to start one twice, but both times ran into roadblocks early. It was also around this time that I decided to try GitHub again. I had created my accounts a couple months before, but couldn't figure out how to properly use GitHub. Now that I knew more about it, I figured out how to use it, and revived my account. I'm now currently splitting time between Khan Academy and GitHub and working on some big games!


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The Weekly News

Glitch now has music!


For a long time none of my games have ever had any music or sound effects, due to Khan Academy's restrections. However, recently I figured out how to import PJS games into an HTML format, and then add music using HTML. With this new knowledge, I put my top-voted program GLITCH into the HTML format, and then added music! I'm still figuring out how to add sound effects, loop autoplay etc., but for now I have a game with music! You can play it on Github at this link. Also, I will begin coding and releasing more on Github and my website, so please follow me on Github and check this website once in a while.!


How to Contact Me

There is multiple ways to contact me. You can either message me on Khan Academy, contact me via discussions on Github, or join my game testing discord channel. I am most likely to respond to you if you contact me via discord server or GitHub.


Liam K.

I cannot count the amount of times I have used your Platformer Tutorial code in my programs, and I am extremly grateful!

Gray Wolf🐺

I remember being on your team in Primavera 2022, back when I was just started coding, and how you gave me helpful feedback and advice. Thank you very much!

Kaze Haibara

I cannot think of a single time you have failed to comment something nice on one of my programs. Thank you!


You have commented many encouraging things on my programs, and have given me feedback on many early-stage games. Thank you!

My Mom and Dad

Thank you for encouraging my love of coding and always being there for me!

My Cousin/Best Friend/Game Tester

You have reviewed nearly every single one of my games that I have made, and given me very valuable feedback! Thanks for being there through both Piglins and Nether Jumps!


Lastly, I would like to thank YOU, the reader. If you have ever looked at one of my programs, voted one up, or commented, then you have helped and encouraged me. Thank you!

Is the Hot List Dead?

An Article by Dipper98

Is the Hot List Dead?

Throughout my two years on Khan Academy, I have seen (and myself written) countless comments saying that the Hot List is dead. Many coders on Khan Academy (KA) now belive that it's just a fact. The Hot List (HL) is dead. Plain and simple. However, recently I've seen multiple comments that present different viewpoints, and I've been intrigued by the different thoughts people have. I'm writing this article to help review the different viewpoints along with their evidence, and help you form your own opinon. I'll also throw in stats from is plant's graph, which shows KA's activity through the years based on Khantober's votes and participants.

The Three Main Viewpoints

After looking at many comments, I feel that there is three main viewpoints that people on KA hold. Yes, there is many different variations, but I feel that there is still three distinct main viewpoints. Here are the three viewpoints:

1) The HL Is Dead
This viewpoint holds that the HL is dead, pure and simple.

2) The HL Is Normal
This viewpoint holds that the HL is not dead, but has rather gone back to normal after COVID.

3) The HL Is Dead, But Better
This viewpoint holds that although the HL is dead, there is now a much stronger, tight-knit communtiy.

I will now go through and discuss each viewpoint, and accompany it with evidence for it.

The HL Is Dead

This is the view that is held by the majority of coders on KA, and for good reason. Anybody who was on during COVID saw programs reaching hundreds, if not thousands, of votes, and the HL was also teeming with quality programs. However, after COVID ended many of KA's great coders left, leaving the HL seemingly dead. This viewpoint does look correct on the surface, but if you dig deeper into the history of the HL, then you'll see some suprising facts. Using is plant's graph, we see that in 2019, right before COVID, Khantober actually had less voters and participants than in 2023! If we take out the COVID years (2020 - 2022), then we see a natural rise and fall throughout the years. This view makes sense on a surface level, but if you look deeper, then it begans to fall apart.

The HL Is Normal

This view holds that the HL has gone back to normal since after COVID, which certainly matches up with the evidence we just went over.

Scrapped Program Ideas

An Article by Dipper98

Scrapped Ideas

Whether they code graphics or games, every coder has to first come up with an idea of what they code before they actually code it. Sure, you can make up stuff as you go, but it most likley won't turn out great, even if you manage to get it to work. For this reason it is always better to come up with at least a rough idea before coding a program. But not all ideas are equally good, as this article will prove. I have had ideas for hundreds of games, but only about 10% of those do I actually began to code. And only about half of those ideas do I actually end up finishing and publishing! With means that out of about a hundred ideas, only 5 will truly get finished. This is of course only an estimate, and you may have a different percentage, but the bottom line is that we all have scrapped ideas. So here are some of mine!

P.S. I may reconsider making one of these games if you guys really want me to. :)


Yes... I actually started making a sequel to INFILTRATION. I did actually start to code it, but quit after only a couple of days. I don't remeber why I quit making it so early.


Probably my most well known scrapped idea, this one actually made it onto the Hot List and gained 20 votes. The game is actually almost playable. Link: Match. Fun fact: I used the same color scheme here for my later game Speed Dodge.

Parkour 3D 2

Actually started working on this one, but it never really went anywhere. Tried experimenting with a black hole gravity thing, but it just didn't work well. And I got lazy.

Pixel Battle(?)

A very early game I tried to make that failed badly. Not sure if Pixel Battle was the exact name. It was a Super Smash Brothers style game.

Pixel Platformer with a Twist

This idea is mentioned in my backstory of regions as "a pixel-ish platformer". I never really solidified what the twist was exactly, which didn't help the production. I also never came up with a name.

Floorboard Game

The game wouldn't actually be called that, I just didn't know what else to call it. I got inspired by looking at my floorboards of my house. I think that alone explains why this game idea got scrapped.

wow fancy 3d stuff

I never came up with a name for this game, but I started working on it and named the webpage wow fancy 3d stuff. It was going to be a first person 3D open world game in Babylon.js. It never went anywhere, but I still have the program here.

The Journey

The first ever game I tried to make. Never finished it, but you can see the progress here. Or maybe don't look actually.

The End

These are all the scrapped ideas I can remeber off the top of my head. I didn't include long-lasting WIP's, because they aren't technically scrapped. These include Survive, Star Wars Battlemind, Lost, The Cube Chronicles, KAHL (Khan Academy Hockey League) and more. You can view all this WIP's on my KA Dashboard. I hope you enjoyed this article, please consider checking out some of my games, and have a great day! :D